Key Features
Social media platforms are popular for more than cute pictures of cats and unique views and opinions about the world. Many businesses are using them for advertising. The objective is to build a large following that will readily convert. One platform of choice is Facebook, and many realtors find it a godsend.
At 3D Cartel, we have social media marketing teams that will create compelling and captivating Facebook ads that will compel viewers to share them immediately. Our ads build followings, drive traffic, and make conversion rates soar!
Leads are great, but quality leads are like gold dust! Trust our social media marketing teams to create the Facebook ads that will generate more leads for you! Approximately 1.7 billion people worldwide log into this social media platform daily, growing constantly and exponentially.
Facebook offers you options of only advertising to the people you know will be interested in hiring you.
We can customize Facebook ads to fit each of your buyer personas perfectly. You’ll have more customers, leads, and heavier traffic in just a few weeks!
That phrase must sound like music to your ears! We know how to run low-cost Facebook ads that will get you many more quality leads, traffic, and conversion rates after a few months. Now, how’s that to make you smile?
The key lies in analytics. Google uses them, and so does Facebook. They’re free and do a great job of telling us just how well our social media marketing campaigns have worked for you! We’ll see the strong and weak points and get insights on how to improve both to turn your Facebook ad campaigns into a major lead, conversion, and revenue-generating machine.
It’s called remarketing, and it works. Trust our social media marketing team to reach out to people who have already been on your website but may not have made a purchase. Facebook’s remarketing enters the contact information of people who click on your ads. These people will automatically be sent another ad.
Greater customer engagement leads to more immediate conversions. Our social media marketing teams have mastered the art of using Facebook ads to increase customer engagement for you dramatically. They leverage the diversity of Facebook ad posts to your advantage.
Yes, we will tell the world about your brands since Facebook ads increase their reach by boosting your organic search rates. You’ll end with more traffic in just a few months since your site and brands will pop-up all over Google and other search engines. You know what more web traffic automatically leads to and why that’s a good thing.
We can customize Facebook ads to perfectly reflect your brand’s message, tone, voice, and personality.
People will respond to a clear and good brand image and message by visiting your site and making purchases much more often!
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